6.30pm Vigil Mass 22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time
St John's
Saturday 6.30pm Vigil Mass 22.2.2025 - Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time– Year C
6.30pm Vigil Mass 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Vigil Mass -Sunday in 25th Week in Ordinary Time Saturday - 21st September 2024, 6.30pm
Saturday 6.30pm Vigil Mass 21.9.2024 - 25th Sunday Of Ordinary Time
6.30pm Vigil Mass 22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time
Sunday Vigil Mass- Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Saturday 29th June 2024, 6.30pm
Saturday 6.30pm Vigil Mass 22.6.2024 - 12TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME
Vigil Mass 6.30pm 22/6/2024
Saturday 6.30pm Vigil Mass 21.10.2023 - 29TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME
Sunday 22 October Vigil Mass 6.30pm 21st of October 2023
Sunday 3rd September, 6.30pm Mass -22nd Sunday Year A.......
Sunday 3rd September, 6.30pm Mass -22nd Sunday Year A....
Saturday 6.30pm Vigil Mass 2.9.2023 - 22ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME
22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time: Vigil Mass
Saturday 6.30pm Vigil Mass 22.7.2023 - SIXTEENTH SUNDAT IN ORDINARY TIME
Vigil Mass 6.30pm 22/7/2023
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Vigil Mass 6.30pm 22nd July 2023
Third Sunday in Ordinary time Vigil Mass 6.30pm 21 January 2023
Saturday 6.30pm Vigil Mass 21.1.2023 - 3RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - SUNDAY OF THE WORD OF GOD
Saturday 6.30pm Vigil Mass 12.11.2022 - 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time