World’s Best Japanese Koi Fish Collection?! **AMAZING KOI POND DESIGN **

World’s Best Japanese Koi Fish Collection?! **AMAZING KOI POND DESIGN **

In this video I take you to one of the most expensive koi ponds in the world. This pond also contains one of the best Japanese koi fish collections in the world! We show you what the best filter systems are for your pond and how to maintain them. We will also show you part of the collection up close! Check out my Vlogs:    / @more_koipartner   Get your Pond Supplies here (OASE): USA Get you Koi here (SelectKoi): KoiPartner - Koi Fish Export from Japan (b2b): Support the Yvo, Koi Partner Channel on Patreon:   / koipartner   Patrick Tschumi Elliott V. Justin O. KoiKanalen Shawn H. Thijs A. Riccardo G. Sebastian D. Cindy C. Cam M. NEW VIDEOS EVERY FRIDAY AND SUNDAY! 📱 FOLLOW MY SOCIALS ➽ Instagram - @koipartner_official ➽ TikTok - @thekoipartner If you have any comments, suggestions or questions, leave them down in the comments! Also for additional content like this, video tutorials, project sneak peeks and more, follow me on Facebook and Instagram @thekoipartner. We are located in the Netherlands and fall under the regulations of the Commissariat for the Media and we are registered in the Chamber of Commerce. For questions you can reach us at the e-mail address that you can request via the "About" tab. Sales Promotion/Sponsorships: Our partners, as shown in our videos, are paying partners. We are obliged to share this information with you.