Detox Your Liver With These 10 Foods Help Burn Fat & Build Muscle

Detox Your Liver With These 10 Foods Help Burn Fat & Build Muscle

In this video we will show you 10 foods that help clean your liver. We will also look at a special drink to detox your liver and help it work optimally! Disclaimer: This video is for educational purposes only and not a replacement to advice, examinations, diagnosis, or treatment provided by your healthcare professional. Links to supplements featured in this video below: for US custoemrs: Turkey tail Mushroom capsules: Milk Thistle : for UK customers: Turkey Tail Mushroom : Milk thistle: 00:00 Intro 00.27 Liver function - fat burning, muscle building, detox 01:40 Liver damage & gallstones 03.08 Grapefruit 03.26 Beetroot 04:00 Avocados 04:21 Extra Virgin Olive Oil 04:44 Cruciferous Vegetables 05:12 Blueberries 05:38 Mushrooms - Turkey Tail and Oyster 05:55 Turmeric 06:07 Apples 06:36 Milk Thistle 07:17 Liver detox drink 07:58 Conclusion