Resident Evil 2 Remake (Leon S. Kennedy, 2nd Run, Pt. 2: Underground) [Frugalist] PS4 Gamechive

Resident Evil 2 Remake (Leon S. Kennedy, 2nd Run, Pt. 2: Underground) [Frugalist] PS4 Gamechive

This "Leon S. Kennedy, 2nd Run (B Scenario), Part 2 of 4: Underground Facility to Sewers (Assisted Mode)" Gameplay Video consists of the game's Underground Facility, R.P.D. Basement, G Stage 1 Boss Fight, Police Station, and Sewers segments while completing a Frugalist run with Leon S. Kennedy. Original 1998 music/sfx and costume utilized. This gaming session serves as a no commentary speedrun of Capcom's Resident Evil 2 Remake video game, where no health recovery items (first aid sprays or green herbs) are permitted for use throughout the campaign. Intro - 00:00:00 Underground Facility: Hand Grenade (under stairs, near S.T.A.R.S. case) - 00:00:18 Action: G Stage 1 Boss Fight - 00:00:53 Machinery Room / Boss Fight Area: Hand Grenade (on machinery) - 00:02:25 Red Herb (on pallet) Action: Pull catwalk lever - 00:02:58 Hip Pouch (locker) [not obtained] Basement: Police Station B1 Map (wall insert) - 00:05:55 File: Memo: "Jail Power Panel" [Leon only] - 00:09:11 (on table) Square Crank (table) - 00:09:26 Blue Herb (hallway, outside kennel) File: Autopsy Record No. 53477 - 00:10:50 (on cart, Morgue) Red Herb (Morgue) - 00:11:03 (second slab from right) Flash Grenade (Morgue) - 00:11:14 (fifth/last slab from right, next to corpse) Diamond Key (Morgue) - 00:11:30 (second slab from left, other side, next to live corpse) Action: Use Square Crank - 00:11:54 (leads to Generator Room with boxed electronic part) Boxed Electronic Part (on cart, Generator Room) - 00:12:10 Action: Solve Generator Room Switches Puzzle - 00:12:26 (Solution 2nd Run: Off, On, On, Off) File: Equipment Disposal Notice - 00:14:43 (on table, Firing Range) Tin Storage Box [Car Key] (table, Firing Range) - 00:14:53 Red Herb (bench, Diamond Key side room, Firing Range) File: A Message From Mr. Raccoon - 00:15:53 (counter, Firing Range) Weapon Upgrade #3: Gun Stock (Matilda) (Parking Garage) - 00:16:!3 (police cruiser trunk, opened with Car Key) Police Station: Portable Safe #1 (Linen Room, 2F): Spare Key - 00:20:12 (atop washers - Diamond Key required) [31.19] Action: Use Square Crank (Police Station 2F) - 00:20:58 Wooden Boards (up stairs, floor) Flash Grenade (locker) - 00:21:31 Large Gear (atop boxes, East Storage Room) - 00:22:05 Blue Herb (table, Roof) Red Herb (floor, hallway opposite crashed helicopter) Action: Flip power box switch from R to L - 00:23:23 Club Key (on whiteboard, Boiler Room) - 00:23:58 Action: Flip switch on upper level to put out helicopter crash fire - 00:24:21 Hand Grenade, Mechanic Jack Handle (table, Records Room) - 00:25:51 Action: Use Mechanic Jack Handle (Library) to release, then move bookcases - 00:26:45 Action: Use Large Gear (then grab it again) - 00:27:51 File: Repair Plan - 00:28:06 (table, Clock Tower) Small Gear (upstairs, Clock Tower) - 00:28:19 Action: Use Large Gear (where Small Gear resided) - 00:28:30 Action: Use Small Gear (on machine below steps) - 00:28:48 Boxed Electronic Part (Clock Tower) - 00:29:21 Blue Herb (shelf, East Storage Room) Portable Safe #2 (Observation Room): Spare Key - 00:30:42 File: Confiscation Report - 00:31:10 (filing cabinet, Observation Room) Use Spare Keys (Safety Deposit Room) - 00:33:32 Hip Pouch #3 (locker 203, Safety Deposit Room) - 00:33:54 00:35:11 Weapon Upgrade #4: Long Barrel (Lightning Hawk) (Underground Stairs) - 00:35:30 (in case, requires S.T.A.R.S. Badge) Action: Examine Boxed Electronic Parts [Power Panel Parts] - 00:37:57 Action: Place Power Panel Parts, Solve Puzzle - 00:38:14 (Row 1: x1 0 x1 0, Row 2: 0 x1 0 0, Row 3: x1 x3 x1 0, Row 4: 0 x2 x1 0) File: Interview Transcript [Leon only] - 00:38:40 (recorder on Ben's body) Parking Garage Key Card - 00:39:33 File: Ben's Memo [Leon only] - 00:39:43 (table, cell) Gun Shop: Weapon Upgrade #5: Long Barrel (W-870) (shelf, gun shop) - 00:46:08 Hand Grenade (shelf, gun shop) File: Letter to the Shopkeeper [Leon only] - 00:46:23 Sewer Entrance: Action: Defeat the Alligator - 00:52:07 Hand Grenade (left of dead alligator) - 00:53:24 Sewers (as Ada Wong): 00:55:51 File: Sept. Inspection (Week 1) [Ada Segment] - 00:57:43 Handgun Ammo (barrel) Handgun Ammo, Flash Grenade (atop crate) - 00:58:36 Handgun Ammo (on table) File: Sept. Inspection (Week 2) [Ada Segment] - 01:00:39 (on table) Action: Pull lever to open incinerator ID Wristband (inside incinerator) - 01:01:09 Action: Escape the Incinerator - 00:1:01:18 --- Subscribe: Twitter: Donate: Standard License: Assets found on this channel (e.g., branding, images, videos, descriptions, etc.) may only be viewed on YouTube for personal enjoyment. Unauthorized use of this content (e.g., downloads, distribution, reuse, or remixing) is prohibited. © Gamechive #re2 / #residentevil2 / #residentevil / #longplay / #nocommentary / #playthrough / #walkthrough / #gameplay / #gamechive / #gamechives