Your profile has restricted ability to earn money | your ability to earn is suspended

Your profile has restricted ability to earn money | your ability to earn is suspended

Your profile has restricted ability to earn money | your ability to earn is suspended বন্ধুরা ২০২৫ সালে ফেসবুক মনিটাইজেশনে নানান ধরনের সমস্যা দেখা দিচ্ছে. যেমন ধরুন your ability to earn is limited, your ability to earn is suspended, you cannot earn money instream ads now, your page is no longer earning money, your profile has lost accept monetization tools, your profile has restricted ability to earn money, monetization policy violation এই ধরনের বিভিন্ন সমস্যা দেখিয়ে পেজ এবং প্রোফাইলের মনিটাইজেশন ডিমনিটাইজ করে দেওয়া হচ্ছে. আপনারা না জেনে অন্যজনের ভিডিও দেখে নিজের পেজে রিলস এবং লং ভিডিও আপলোড করতেছেন অথবা মনে যা আসতেছে সেভাবে আপনারা স্টোরি দিচ্ছেন ফটো আপলোড করতেছেন facebook facebook monetization facebook monetization problem facebook monetization restricted your ability to earn is suspended your ability to earn is suspended facebook your ability to earn is limited your ability to earn is limited or restricted your page has restricted ability to earn money your ability to earn is limited facebook facebook your ability to earn is suspended we've restricted your ability to earn money facebook your ability to earn is limited your profile has restricted ability to earn money you're not eligible to earn yet your ability to earn is limited your ability to earn is limited or restricted your ability to earn is suspended your ability to earn is limited facebook your page has restricted ability to earn money your ability to earn is suspended facebook facebook your ability to earn is limited we've restricted your ability to earn money your ability to earn is limited because isn't following our partner monetization policies restricted monetization facebook page restricted monetization facebook facebook restricted monetization restricted monetization ads on reels monetization restricted in stream ads monetization restricted fix restricted monetization facebook restricted monetization facebook solution facebook monetization restricted problem how to fix restricted monetization on facebook restricted monetization problem facebook page restricted monetization how to solve restricted monetization on facebook If you are interested in this channel, make sure to subscribe and click the notification button, so you never miss my videos! 📽 NEW VIDEOS: Sunday & Thursday Sponsor and Business Inquiries: [email protected] সবার প্রতি রইলো অসংখ্য ভালোবাসা । চ্যানেলটি সাবস্ক্রাইব করে আমাদের পাশেই থাকবেন। #shariftechnology #facebookmonetization #restrictedmonetization #instreamads #restrictedmonetizationfacebook #spreadingyan #facebookpage #yourabilitytoearnislimited #yourabilitytoearnissuspended #browsefeatures Have a great Day