Worship Service for the Third Sunday of Easter - April 18, 2021

Worship Service for the Third Sunday of Easter - April 18, 2021

Welcome to the Third Sunday of Easter. Today's message by Reverend Keith Cupples is "Touch and See" in the "Living the Resurrection" series. Scriptures are Acts 3:12-19 ("Why are you still skeptical?"), 1 John 3:1-7 ("The message of the cross"), and Luke 24:36b-48 ("The appearance and Thomas"). Music today by organist David Lewis with the Musical Call to Worship "O Love That Will Not Let Me Go", Hymn of Praise "The Strife is O'er" New Century Hymnal #242, and Anthem "O Savior, Let Me Walk with You". For more information, announcements, and events, please visit us at provocommunityucc.org, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Share your story on keepingthefaithprovo.org, and learn more about plans to restore our historic buildings, further our mission in our community, and how you can contribute.