Saturday of the Fourth Week in Ordinary Time: Abandoned Like Sheep Without a Shepherd | Mark 6:30-34

Saturday of the Fourth Week in Ordinary Time: Abandoned Like Sheep Without a Shepherd | Mark 6:30-34

February 8. 2025: Saturday of the Fourth Week in Ordinary Time My sheep hear my voice, says the Lord; I know them, and they follow me. Abandoned Like Sheep Without a Shepherd Gospel | Mark 6:30-34 🙏 "Heavenly Father, help me to rise above my self-centerdness that confines and narrows me, to rise above my self-righteousness which chains my heart and my mind to grow to be like the heart and mind of Jesus. Guide me to be your instrument of healing and hope, reaching out to those who are lost and hurting, just as Jesus did. Give me the grace to open the ears of my heart so I can hear the voice of the Good Shepherd, to follow Him and be lavishly loved and embraced in the care of His sheepfold. Grant me, too, the grace to die to myself as I serve those You’ve placed under my care. Amen." St. Josephine Bakhita, pray for us.    â€˘ Saturday of the Fourth Week in Ordina...