GST Tax Slabs | 0%, 5%, 12%, 18%, 28% | किस पर कितना लगेगा | Tally Prime

GST Tax Slabs | 0%, 5%, 12%, 18%, 28% | किस पर कितना लगेगा | Tally Prime

GST Tax Slabs | 0%, 5%, 12%, 18%, 28% | किस पर कितना लगेगा | Tally Prime #gst #gsttax #tallyprime #tally_prime Welcome to our channel, Goods and Services Tax is an indirect tax used in India on the supply of goods and services. It is a comprehensive, multistage, destination-based tax: comprehensive because it has subsumed almost all the indirect taxes except a few state taxes The GST council has fitted over 1300 goods and 500 services under four tax slabs of 5%, 12%, 18% and 28% under GST. This is aside the tax on gold that is kept at 3% and rough precious and semi-precious stones that are placed at a special rate of 0.25% under GST. 7% goods and services fall under this category. Services under GST. Each service has a unique SAC. These SAC codes can be used in invoices created by you for the services you delivered. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 😊👇⏬ Products I Use and recommend you ⏬👇😊 ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 1) ASUS Vivobook 15 Laptop: 2) Sony Alpha camera for Video and Photo Shoot 3) Keyboard Mat for Keyboard Shortcuts 4) Boya wireless Mic 5) Boya Wired Mic ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 💻💻💻 Tally Prime Complete Course 💻💻💻 ⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬⏬ 1) Introduction to Tally Prime :    • Tally क्या है? | Tally के क्या फायदे ...   2) Financial Accounting in Tally Prime :    • Tally Prime Course | Financial Accoun...   3) Credit and Debit in Part-1 :    • Tally Prime Course | Credit & Debit |...   4) Credit and Debit Part-2 :    • Tally Prime Course | Financial Accoun...   5) Company Creation :    • Tally Prime- How to Create Company in...   6) Ledger Creation in Tally Prime:    • Tally Prime- How to Create Ledgers in...   7) Inventory Masters in Tally Prime :    • Tally Prime - Inventory Master | Stoc...   8) Accounting Voucher in Tally Prime :    • Accounting Voucher in Tally Prime | T...   9) Cash & Credit Transaction :    • Accounting Voucher in Tally Prime | C...   10) Contra Voucher in Tally :    • Contra Voucher | Accounting Voucher i...   11) Receipt Voucher in Tally :    • Receipt Voucher | Accounting Voucher ...   12) Payment Voucher in Tally :    • Payment Voucher | Accounting Voucher ...   13) Debit Note in Tally :    • Debit Note Voucher | Tally Course in ...   14) Credit Note in Tally :    • 🔥 Credit Note Voucher | Tally Course ...   15) Reversing Journal in Tally :    • Reversing Journal Voucher | Future Pa...   16) Day Book in Tally :    • Day Book in Tally Prime | Tally Prime...   17) Proforma Invoice in Tally :    • 🔥 Proforma Invoice बनाना सीखें | Prof...   18) Journal Voucher in Tally:    • Journal Voucher in Tally Prime |  jou...   19) Memorandum Voucher in Tally:    • Memorandum Voucher in Tally Prime | H...   20) Post Dated Cheque in Tally :    • Post Dated cheque entry in Tally Prim...   21) Compound Entries in Tally:    • Compound Entry in Tally Prime | Compo...   22) Stock Transfer in Tally :    • Stock Transfer in Tally Prime| Stock ...   23) Sales invoice in Tally :    • Sales Invoice Tally Prime | Invoice P...   24) What is GST in Tally :    • How to Set GST Details in Tally Prime...   25) GST Tax Slabs :    • GST Tax Slabs | 0%, 5%, 12%, 18%, 28%...   26) Backup and Restore in Tally:    • Backup and Restore in Tally Prime | H...   27) Set GST Details in Tally :    • How to Set GST Details in Tally Prime...   28) Purchase Entry with GST :    • Purchase entry with GST | Interstate/...   29) Sales Entry with GST :    • Tally Prime  - Sales Invoice with Mul...   30) Discount Entry in Tally Prime :    • Discount Entry in Tally Prime | Tally...   31) Payroll Voucher in Tally Prime :    • Payroll Voucher in Tally Prime - Payr...   32) GSTR-1, GST-2, GSTR-3B :    • What is GSTR-1, GSTR-2, GSTR-3B | Wha...   33) How to Check Profit & Loss in Tally prime :    • How to Check Profit & Loss in Tally p...   34) Tally Prime - Stock Report in Tally Prime :    • Tally Prime - Stock Report in Tally P...   35) Tally Prime - Purchase & Sales Register:    • Tally Prime - Purchase & Sales Regist...   36) Tally Prime - apply logo in Tally Invoice :    • Tally Prime - apply logo in Tally Inv...   37) Tally Prime - Print Multiple Entries :    • Tally Prime - Print Multiple Entries ...   38) Tally Prime - set credit limit for customer:    • Tally Prime - set credit limit for cu...   39) Tally Prime - Cash & Bank Book:    • Tally Prime - Cash & Bank Book | Open...   40) TDS in Tally Prime :    • Tally Prime - TDS in Tally Prime | Wh...   41) TCS in Tally Prime :    • Tally Prime - TCS in Tally Prime | Wh...   42) Tally Prime Interview Question and Answers:    • Tally Prime Interview : Tally Intervi...   43) Tally Prime : Multiple Tax Rate Entries :    • Tally Prime : Multiple Tax Rate Entri...   44) UTGST क्या है ? 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