Shocking secrets in Psalm 91!
Something scary is hidden in the original language of Psalm 91! What is the "snare of the trapper?" Let's find out! In this short video we look at the original language used in this scripture. One clue to its original meaning is that ancient Jews used to use this Psalm for... EXORCISMS!! Archaeologists have found it inscribed on numerous bowls used in ancient exorcisms of demons. Weird! There are also several words here that the translators chose to... let's say... de-supernaturalize in our English Bibles. Why? Not sure.. but we'll uncover the original meaning discovered by Bible scholars here. Let's study this chapter as we deep dive into the context of Psalm 91! Sources used: Book: Demons: What the Bible really says about the Powers of Darkness by Dr. Michael S. Heiser Paper from Academia.edu: "Psalm 91: Refuge, Protection and its Use in the New Testament" in The Psalms: Language for All Seasons of the Soul (ed. Schmutzer & Howard; 85-108) Greek Septuagint, Lexham English Bible and interlinears. Breweryministries.org #god #bible #psalms #psalm91 #biblestudy #spirituality #faith #jesus #theology #spiritual #bibletranslation