EXCLUSIVE SNEAK PEEK: The Lord of the Ring: The Rings of Power S2 finale

EXCLUSIVE SNEAK PEEK: The Lord of the Ring: The Rings of Power S2 finale

#FilmfareExclusive: The dark and eventful second season of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power is heading towards its final episode. After the cliffhanger ending of Episode 7, the season finale is expected to feature an epic showdown in Middle-earth. As war continues to rage in Eregion, several character pieces and arcs will tie in for a grand culmination. We at Filmfare have gotten our hands on some exclusive footage from Episode 8. #lordoftherings #theringsofpower #ringsofpower #ringsofpowers2 Video courtesy: Prime Video ________________________ Our Links Website ► https://www.filmfare.com Twitter ► / filmfare Facebook ► / filmfare Instagram ► / filmfare ABOUT FILMFARE OFFICIAL: Filmfare is your daily dose of entertainment and your one-stop destination for the latest gossip, exclusive interviews, behind-the-scenes videos, interesting listicles, fashion stories and much more. HEAD OVER TO A FEW OTHER CHANNELS: Grazia India► / graziaindia Femina India ► / feminaindia GoodHomes India► / @goodhomesindia5088