WARNING: Remove These 5 ITEMS From Your HOME, Attracts POVERTY and BAD LUCK | Buddhist Teachings
WARNING: Remove These 5 ITEMS From Your HOME, Attracts POVERTY and BAD LUCK | Buddhist Teachings Your home could be attracting poverty and misfortune without you even realizing it! 🏠🚫 According to Buddhist teachings, certain items carry negative energy that blocks prosperity and invites bad luck. In this video, we reveal the 5 items you must remove immediately to clear negative vibrations and welcome wealth, peace, and abundance into your life. Watch till the end to ensure your home is a place of positivity and fortune! #BuddhistTeachings #WealthAttraction #BadLuckRemoval #HomeEnergy 🔔 Don't forget to subscribe for more insights on Buddhist teachings and personal growth! ⚠️ Copyright & Credits This video is for educational and informational purposes. We do not own any copyright in the excerpts used in this content nor do we intend to infringe anyone's copyright rights. In accordance with fair use, we allow ourselves to use them to help people in a motivational way. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music Used From Youtube Audio Library: Long Road Ahead B by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-... Artist: http://incompetech.com/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------