Dark Reality Of Indian Education। Ark I Arun Kashyap I

Dark Reality Of Indian Education। Ark I Arun Kashyap I

Exposed Indian Education System by Ark I Arun Kashyap I Dark realty of our Indian Education System I Education video I the Education trap I In this video, I explains what are the shortcomings in our education system? What is wrong with the Indian education system? How Indian education focuses only on marks and puts pressure on the student. How Indian schools ignore non-academic skills. How it affects the mental health and self-esteem of the student. The curriculum and teaching methods in the Indian education system are outdated. Indian schools and colleges have teachers who are not qualified or literate enough to teach students. Rote learning and no real understanding. Practical learning is missing in our education system. Career paths beyond the usual rat race. Job opportunities other than becoming a doctor, engineer or civil service. Your queries:- indian education system EXPOSED INDIAN EDUCATION SYSTEM exposed our Indian education system education system Education trap indian education system exposed education system in india education reality of indian education system education system exposed dark truth of education system indian education dark reality of indian education system education in india india's education system who made indian education system why indian education system is bad dark side of indian education system education system fraud Education documentary Ark arun Kashyap Follow me on Instagram-   / ark_arunkashyap_   Youtube-    / @ark-arunkashyap   Facebook-   / profile.php   Twitter- https://x.com/Ark_arunkashyap WhatsApp- https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029Var5... Hello dear, I am Arun Kashyap. Welcome to my channel. On this channel, I make videos on various topics with different perspective and views. Learning, Awareness and Education is the purpose of this channel. Topics:- Education, Motivation, Guidance, Positive thinking, Life lessons, current affairs, Opinion . Striving for a better world. Thank you, Jai hind 🙏 #education #exposedindianeducation #indianeducation