Substance Painter Tutorial: Making Your Own Stylized Wood Smart Material | PILOTO 3D ART
In this Substance Painter tutorial, learn how to create your own stylized wood smart material from scratch. Follow along as we cover the process of texturing, creating custom patterns, and adjusting parameters to achieve a unique and visually appealing wood material for your 3D models. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced artist, this step-by-step guide will help you master the art of creating custom smart materials in Substance Painter. Join our Discord ➡️ / discord If you liked the result , leave in the comments what you would like to see and don't forget to check Piloto Studio's networks so you don't miss anything. Social Media Links: Discord ➡️ / discord Twitter ➡️ / pilotostudio Unity ➡️ https://assetstore.unity.com/publishe... Instagram ➡️ / thepilotostudio