Neanderthal smarter than we think? The #ancient Secrets of the Neanderthals #history  #documentary

Neanderthal smarter than we think? The #ancient Secrets of the Neanderthals #history #documentary

Neanderthal smarter than we think? In 1963, a piece of the 50,000-year-old technological artifact was unearthed in a mine 160 kilometers southwest of Berlin. It wasn't until 2001 that chemists determined its composition; the results surprised everyone. It’s an adhesive distilled from birch bark. The Neanderthals used it as glue. The spearhead and the wooden pole can be tightly glued together, and the outside can be tied with rope. This is by far the oldest synthetic material in the world. In 2002, a jawbone was found in a cave in the Carpathian Mountains in southwestern Romania, and it took Romania paleontologists three years to restore the skull. At first, they thought it was a Homo sapiens skull, but soon they discovered that the teeth were significantly larger than Homo sapiens and that he had a raised occipital bone on the back of his head, the larger occipital bone was a Neanderthal hallmark, suggesting that the skull's owner was a hybrid. An offspring of the union of Homo sapiens and Neanderthals, which means that Neanderthals and Homo sapiens have no reproductive isolation. Sweden biologist Svante Pääbo extracted the whole genome DNA from the remains of Neanderthals and compared the DNA of Neanderthals with Homo sapiens, and came to a conclusion that shocked the world. This individual was likely to have been 6-9% Neanderthal, nearly three times the amount found in present-day Europeans and Asians, whose genetic makeup is roughly 1-3% Neanderthal. Chapters ⏩📜 CHAPTER 1: Neanderthals were smart 00:00 Neanderthals and Homo sapiens 01:13 Neanderthal misconceptions 01:51 Neanderthals less intelligent than Homo sapiens? 02:54 How well did Neanderthals make tools? 03:10 Neanderthals were making “glue” 04:21 Shanidal 1, an injured Neanderthal cared for by his companions CHAPTER 2: Homo sapiens & Neanderthals interbreed 05:48 A Homo sapiens and Neanderthals hybrid found in Romania 07:12 Evidence of Homo sapiens had sex with Neanderthals 07:45 Homo sapiens & Neanderthals DNA transfer CHAPTER 3: The Denisovans 08:05 The Denisovans found 08:50 Denny, a Neanderthal and Denisovan hybrid 09:21 Why Neanderthal DNA has a great impact on humans? #Neanderthal #evolution #humanity #homosapien