$6.4 Billion 2022 Stock Market Guide for #gta5 #gtav Story Mode
CONFIRMED WORKING DECEMBER 2023: We’re doing an update to our #GTA5 Story Mode investor’s guide; where you’ll learn how to make so much money, the game literally won’t be able to cope. UPDATED VERSION: • Maximizing Your Earnings: The $6.4 Bi... QUICK LINKS: 00:00 Intro 00:53 Audience 01:55 How to use the Stock Market 04:21 Jumping / Time Warping 05:03 Maximising Sell Price 06:15 Maximum Cash Capacity 06:50 Access Seed Funding 07:11 Money for Michael 07:36 Money for Franklin 08:12 Money for Trevor 10:06 WARNING! 10:33 Hotel Assassination 12:02 Vangelico 12:46 More Money for Trevor 13:17 Gruppe6 13:40 Finale (A, B or C) 14:07 Tinkle / Airport Random Event 14:36 Multi-Target Assassination 15:19 Vice Assassination 15:41 Bus Assassination 16:04 Construction Assassination ADDITIONAL GUIDES: Off-Line Stock Guide: • 2022 #GTA5 #gtav Investor’s Guide (B... Stock Without Lester: • 2021 GTA 5 Investor Guide WITHOUT Les... Stock Market Bug : • GTA 5 Stock Market *Fix* SECRET MONEY BRIEFCASES: These have been removed on PC (mostly), but are still available on console. • GTA 5 - SECRET LOCATIONS - PART 1 (PS... EPSILON MISSIONS: • GTA 5 Seeking the Truth | Unlock Epsi... ADDITIONAL TIPS: Community tips and untested rumours coming soon (including Molly / Legal Trouble)! #GTAV #gtamoney #grandtheftauto #gtacommunity #grandtheftauto5 #gtafive #gaming #gtajunkies #gtawins #gtaxbox #gtaps4 #gtapc #gta05 #gta0 #oldgrumpygamers #gta5 #gtav #gtafive #gtacommunity #gtamc #gtamods #gta5mods #gtamoney #gtacrew #gtao #gtavsnaps #gtalife #gta5shooter #gtavcars ======================== Support us on Patreon: / oldgrumpygamers WE’RE GIVING AWAY SHARK CARDS! http://www.oldgrumpygamers.com/goto/l... View our latest videos: http://www.oldgrumpygamers.com/goto/l... Cheap Shark Cards: https://www.oldgrumpygamers.com/offer... Cheap Games: https://www.oldgrumpygamers.com/offer... Merch: https://teespring.com/stores/old-grum... Odd & unusual stuff that pop up in our videos: https://www.oldgrumpygamers.com/offer... Receive news and updates from Old Grumpy Gamers: https://www.oldgrumpygamers.com/signu... ======================== Know any neat mods we could use to do a bit more exploration in Lost Santos, or North Yankton? Leave your suggestions in the comments. ======================== Official YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/OldGrumpyGa... Patreon: / oldgrumpygamers Twitch: / oldgrumpygamers Twitter: / oldgrumpygamers Facebook: / oldgrumpygamers Reddit: / posts Instagram: / oldgrumpygamers Website: https://www.oldgrumpygamers.com ======================== Music: “U In My Arms” by Jeremy Blake ======================== So first things first; this guide applies if you’re working your way through GTA 5 Story Mode’s main quest line, and have not done the Lester Assassinations, using Franklin (the Jay Norris one carried out by Michael doesn’t count). If you’ve already used Franklin to complete all of Lester’s Assassination missions, you’ve missed the boat on game-breaking money – but there’s still a good chance you can make enough money to buy just about everything, with this guide (show thumb for other investors’ guide); there’s a link in the description below. So for this guide; I’m going to assume you’ve never used the in-game stock market before; and this is one of your first playthrough’s. …and I don’t want to harp on it; but for clarity: Do not do the Lester Assassination missions without your seed funding and investments in place. That means you do not visit the L on the map with Franklin, when it becomes available. Can’t stress it enough. Also; don’t buy any of the business’s just yet, either. Steer away from vehicle mods, clothes and tat’s, too. If you already know what you’re doing with the stock market, know how to quickly jump forward in time; and know the save scumming trick; you can jump ahead to the timestamp shown on screen – or use the shortcut in the description below. Righteo; the Stock Market in GTA 5 operates like the stock market in real life; stocks go up and down based on in-world events, announcements and general happenings. This can include market reactions to Heists; the untimely death of CEO’s, and news from rival companies; there’s also some random fluctuations, but we’re not going to worry about those. Instead, we’ll be concentrating on major market movers. Now before we get into the actual stock tips, there’s a few things we need to cover first. Starting with the basic mechanics around buying and selling stock. The stock market is unlocked not long after Michael sorts out Jay Norris, in Friend Request; where we meet Ricky. To purchase stock, open your phone. That’s up on your D-pad for a controller; or the up-arrow on your keyboard.