FIX Inner Elbow Pain! Golfer's Elbow - Medial Epicondylitis

FIX Inner Elbow Pain! Golfer's Elbow - Medial Epicondylitis

4 of the best home exercises to fix your inner elbow pain (medial epicondylitis - golfer’s elbow) quickly and effectively. Alleviate pain now and fix the problem to prevent pain later with these simple stretching and strengthening exercises you can do from home. OTHER VIDEOS YOU’LL FIND USEFUL: ✅ AT-HOME ROTATOR CUFF STRENGTHENING:    • Strengthen Your Rotator Cuff (AT HOME...   ✅ FIX YOUR TENNIS ELBOW PAIN (LATERAL EPICONDYLITIS):    • STOP Tennis Elbow Pain! Lateral Epico...   ✅ HOME EXERCISES FOR WRIST PAIN:    • Simple Home Exercises To STOP Wrist P...   ✅ HOW TO STRENGTHEN YOUR WRISTS TO ALLEVIATE PAIN:    • How To Strengthen Your Wrists [Exerci...   ✅ HOW TO FIX CUBITAL TUNNEL SYNDROME:    • Fix Cubital Tunnel Syndrome! [Exercis...   WHAT IS INNER ELBOW PAIN? In the healthcare world, we refer to pain on the inside part of your elbow as “medial epicondylitis” or sometimes “golfer’s elbow”. There’s a boney prominence on the inside part of your elbow just above the joint line called your “medial epicondyle”. This is the attachment site for all of the muscles that flex your wrist and some of the muscles that flex your fingers (basically all of the “gripping” muscles attach to this area) When these muscles are overused or overloaded with tasks (manual work, lifting weights/exercises, throwing, etc) this can cause inflammation and pain to occur in those tendons (tendonitis). It’s important to note that while we refer to this problem as “elbow pain”, it actually has very little to do with the elbow joint itself. It’s a manifestation of weakness and injury in your wrist, forearm, and grip muscles, and therefore that’s where we want to focus treatment in order for it to be effective. In this video, Dr Jared Beckstrand will demonstrate 4 of the best exercises, stretches, and treatments you can do right at home to help eliminate medial (inner) elbow pain. They’re simple, they’re effective, and you can find them right here… HOME EXERCISES FOR INNER ELBOW PAIN 0:00 INTRODUCTION 0:17 WHAT IS INNER ELBOW PAIN? 2:29 WRIST FLEXION/EXTENSION RANGE OF MOTION 3:10 CROSS FRICTION MASSAGE 4:46 WRIST FLEXOR STRETCHES 6:08 ECCENTRIC WRIST CURLS (DUMBBELL) 7:27 ECCENTRIC WRIST CURLS (BAND) 8:17 SHOULDER EXERCISES FOR ELBOW PAIN It’s important to note - shoulder weakness, and especially a lack of shoulder stability, is a major contributing factor to medial epicondylitis elbow pain. The stronger you can keep your forearm AND shoulder, the less-likely you will experience elbow pain. I’ve linked to some of my favorite shoulder/rotator cuff exercises below to help you further treat this problem. ✅ AT-HOME ROTATOR CUFF STRENGTHENING:    • Strengthen Your Rotator Cuff (AT HOME...   I hope you find those effective! Be sure to LIKE the video if you found it effective, COMMENT your experience above (I love to hear from you!), and SUBSCRIBE to Tone and Tighten if you haven’t done so already. DISCLAIMER: This content (the video, description, links, and comments) is not medical advice or a treatment plan and is intended for general education and demonstration purposes only. This content should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any health, medical, or physical condition. Don’t use this content to avoid going to your own healthcare professional or to replace the advice they give you. Consult with your healthcare professional before doing anything contained in this content. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless T&T Digital Media, LLC and its officers for any and all losses, injuries, or damages resulting from any and all claims that arise from your use or misuse of this content. T&T Digital Media, LLC makes no representations about the accuracy or suitability of this content. Use of this content is at your sole risk.