Psalm 51 • I will rise and go to my Father. (based on: Vado ad patrem)
James J. Richardson's setting of Psalm 51, "I will rise and go to my father." based on the Gregorian antiphon "Vado ad patrem" which treats the same text. The melody of the verses continues the original melody beyond that which is pictured. The original manuscript: Antiphonarium pro Ecclesia Einsidlensi • 14th century (prior to 1314) Einsiedeln, Stiftsbibliothek, Codex 611(89), f. 61r https://www.e-codices.ch/en/list/one/... To obtain a copy of the score, please visit: https://psallitedomino.com/store-1/p/... SATB 00:00 Soprano Solo 02:40 Alto Solo 05:04 Tenor Solo 07:30 Bass Solo 09:55