Which bread is healthy? (हिन्दी) White | Brown | Multigrain | Wholewheat

Which bread is healthy? (हिन्दी) White | Brown | Multigrain | Wholewheat

Bread in India is a big joke! There are two types of bread in India. One which is openly unhealthy (white bread), and the second type (brown, multigrain, wholewheat) which pretend to be healthy when they are not! Till a few decades ago, bread wasn't as common in India. But now it is commonly used by Indians for breakfast sandwiches, school tiffins, and snacks! If you have 2 slices of bread a day, you have more than 700 slices in a year. Make sure you pick the right one! In 90 seconds, I share the difference between brown vs multigrain vs wholewheat bread and how to find healthy bread in India! Share with anyone who will find this useful!