Foods That Will KILL Your Bird or Parrot!

Foods That Will KILL Your Bird or Parrot!

Did you know that some common foods can be deadly to your beloved bird or parrot? 😱 In this video, we reveal the 4 foods you MUST avoid feeding your feathered friend: • Sugar: This sweet treat can lead to liver problems, obesity, and diabetes. • Salt: Excess salt can cause kidney failure and other health issues. • Oil: While a small amount of healthy fats is okay, excessive oil can cause digestive problems and weight gain. • Dairy Products: Birds lack the enzymes to properly digest dairy, which can lead to diarrhea and vomiting. Coffee, chocolate, avocado, mushrooms, tomato leaves, garlic and onion, cores of some fruits (apples and pears, cherry cores, apricots, peaches, nectarines, plums, etc.). In addition, parrots do not need sand and eating sand causes intestinal obstruction in them. But other birds need sand This video will help you understand why these foods are so dangerous and provide tips for keeping your bird healthy and happy. [Keywords]: bird food, parrot food, dangerous foods for birds, forbidden foods for birds, bird health, parrot health, bird safety, what birds can't eat, toxic foods for birds, bird care tips, bird owner, bird lover, bird owner advice. Watch this video now and learn how to protect your feathered friend from a fatal mistake! #bird #food #birds #parrots #budgies #cockatiel #lovebirds #lovebird #budgie #parrot #birddiet #diet #parakeet #pets