Opening to My Favorite Martian 1999 VHS

Opening to My Favorite Martian 1999 VHS

VHS Openings Season 7, Episode 11 VHS Print Date: Tuesday, July 13, 1999 VHS Release Date: Tuesday, September 21, 1999 1. Warning Screens 2. Walt Disney Home Video Logo 3. "Coming Soon to Theaters" 4. Toy Story 2 Trailer 5. "Coming Soon to Own on Videocassette" 6. Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas Promo 7. I'll Be Home For Christmas Promo 8. Inspector Gadget Promo 9. "Now Available on Videocassette" 10. Doug's First Movie Promo 11. So Weird Promo 12. Feature Presentation 13. Aspect Ratio notice 14. Walt Disney Pictures Logo 15. Start of the film