Opening to My Favorite Martian [1999 VHS]

Opening to My Favorite Martian [1999 VHS]

#vhs #opening #subscribe Excuse me for having a damaged tape in the middle of the FBI Warning and the Start of the Trailer for Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas, it just how it is. Previews List 1. FBI WARNING 2. Walt Disney Home Video logo 3. Coming Soon to Theaters 4. Toy Story 2 Teaser Trailer 5. Coming Soon to own on Videocasette 6. Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas Trailer 7. I'll be home for Christmas Trailer 8. Inspector Gadget Trailer 9. Now Available to own on Videocasette 10. Doug's 1st Movie Trailer 11. Disney Channel Ident 12. So Weird Promo 13. Feature Presentation 14. Film Fit To Screen 15. Walt Disney Pictures Logo That's All ©1999 Disney Enterprises Inc. All Rights Reserved.