Omicron Reality Versus Media Headlines
DISCLAIMER: The views shared in this video regarding COVID vaccines may conflict with health authorities. All opinions expressed represent those of the speaker and not those of any academic institutions, government institutions or any affiliates. The CDC has stated vaccines are safe and effective. For most information visit the CDC official website (https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19.... Craig “Pasta” Jardula and Fiorella Isabel discuss on The Convo Couch. Segment recorded on December 6th, 2021. --------------------------------------------------------------- Have your chat appear ON-SCREEN! https://streamlabs.com/theconvocouch/tip PAYPAL Donate any amount when you like and provide your email and we will respond if you like: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr... To support us further: Patreon: http://bit.ly/tccpat4 or Sign up on Rokfin and get access to all the creators Premium Content https://rokfin.com/TheConvoCouch (Creators include: Niko House, Ron Placone, Graham Elwood, Jimmy Dore, Kim Iversen, Jackson Facts, The American Vagabond, Richard Medhurst & more!) --------------------------------------------------------------- Keep Up With THE CONVO COUCH 🛋 📺 Youtube: http://bit.ly/tccyt27 💵Patreon: http://bit.ly/tccpat4 👾Rokfin: https://rokfin.com/TheConvoCouch 🤖Twitch: / theconvocouch 🐦Twitter: / theconvocouch 👮♀️Facebook: http://bit.ly/tcc2fb 🍑Instagram: / theconvocouch 🍝Craig "Pasta" Jardula Twitter: / yopasta Facebook: http://bit.ly/pasta2fb 💃Fiorella Isabel: Twitter: / fiorella_im Facebook: http://bit.ly/tccfifb27 🌊Jonny Tsunami: Twitter: / jonathanmayorca Jonny started a new channel! But will still be producing The Convo Couch :) Subscribe to True Rebel Network: / truerebelnetwork Support True Rebel Network: / truerebelnetwork