BRS as per pass book Class XI from Basu dutta//Wbchse BRS Class XI Semester 2
BRS as per pass book Class XI from Basu dutta//Wbchse BRS Class XI Semester 2 In this video we discussed about class XI Accounts Bank Reconciliation Statement total concept. This is the first problem of BRS where Balance as per Pass book is given. Class XI accounts BRS practical problems. Class XI accounts brs Basu and Dutta solutions. Class XI accounts chapter 4 BRS(Bank Reconciliation Statement). Class XI accounts chapter 4 Practical problems. এই ভিডিওটিতে আলোচনা করা হয়েছে ব্যাঙ্ক হিসাব মিলকরন বিবরনী কিভাবে তৈরী করতে হয়। #brs #commercesky Part-1 • BRS class 11 Basu & Dutta solutions//... Part-2 • Bank Reconciliation statement class 1...