Gall bladder stone Treatment || पित्ताशय की थैली में पथरी को दूर करें होम्योपैथी से permanent cure👍
Hello every one in this video I have talked about homeopathic medicine For gall bladder stone Its causes and sign and symptom And medicine given 1. Berb.vulgaris Q 2. Chelidonium majus Q 3. Cardus marranus Q All mix together 20 drops 3 time a) cholestrinum 3X tab Dilutions :- 1.lycopodium 30 2.china 30 #gallbladder #gallbladderstone #gallbladderproblems #gallbladderstones #homeopathictreatment #homeopathics #cholelithiasis #पित्ताशयकीथैली Thanks for watching Like share and subscribe 🙏❤️ DISCLAIMER:- MEDICINE SUGGESTED IN THE VIDEO IS FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE BEFORE TAKING ANY HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE CONSULT YOUR NEAREST PHYSICIAN Boericke's New Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica with Repertory - Third Revised & Augmented Edition Based on Ninth Edition Including Indian Remedies, Nodes, Uncommon Rare Remedies, Mother Tincture, Relationships, Side of the Body remedy Affinity & List of Abbreviation https://amzn.in/d/bgPwqYG Allens' Keynotes - Rearranged and Classified with Leading Remedies of the Materia Medica and Bowel Nosodes https://amzn.in/d/5XWjnPS