The most effective exercise to relieve carpal tunnel syndrome and neck pain

The most effective exercise to relieve carpal tunnel syndrome and neck pain

I discovered a simple exercise that completely cured my neck pain and carpal tunnel syndrome in just 3 days! I had carpal tunnel syndrome and had major neck problems. My hands were locked when I was working on my laptop, I was sitting with my fists clenched, my wrist and forearm were hurting. I was on the verge of having carpal tunnel surgery, it was serious. To avoid surgery, I tried all the exercises on YouTube for 8 months, I did Tecar therapy, I did yoga, I sat with my hands and feet in cold water, I went to medical rehabilitation rooms. No results. My hands hurt, my neck still hurt. However, by chance, I found the miracle exercise that made me feel better in just a few days, but for it to go away permanently it took me about a month, doing this exercise every day. It should be done at least once a day, lying down, with your legs over your head, swinging your legs back and forth. It will hurt at first, because both the back and the tendon are contracted! As you do it more often, the tendon stretches, the back recovers and becomes more elastic. There is a close connection between the cervical and the hands! If you have problems with the cervical, you will also have problems with the hands! But it should be done daily, because this exercise stretches the tendon that goes from the cervical to the hands. Basically, carpal tunnel syndrome, the hands and palms that contract from the wrist, is due to the fact that the tendon that starts from the cervical has tightened at the wrist of the hands, due to repetitive movements from the mouse and keyboard, for years, but especially from the incorrect position sitting in the chair that has blocked the tendon at the cervical. The exercise should be done slowly at first, because this exercise stretches the tendon from the neck and hands. It will hurt at first, precisely because the tendon is not stretched, but is blocked somewhere, like a snake, it is tight somewhere at the joints, and it takes time to stretch. I recommend repeating it every morning and evening, for about 2 minutes. But you will have to do it for the rest of your life if you always work at the computer. But you will see amazing results after 3 days!! I PROMISE! Don't forget: During the exercise, your hands must be stretched next to your body, glued to the ground, so that the tendon can stretch easily. After you have reached the point where your toes touch the ground, try the next level, to touch the ground with both knees, behind your head, meaning you must bend your legs even lower. As you can see in the image, the Yoga exercise is called HALASANA (Plough Pose). It is thousands of years old, but few know its benefits. The miracle exercise: At first, the exercise can be painful, because the tendon that goes from the cervical spine to the hands is stiff. Start gradually, gently swing your legs back and forth, you can take breaks between exercises, then try to touch the ground with the tips of your feet. Continue to do the exercise daily, even after you feel better. This will prevent the problem from recurring. Raise your legs over your head, lying on your back. Hold the position for at least 2 minutes. Repeat twice a day, morning and evening. Explanation: Carpal tunnel syndrome can be caused by the tightening of the tendon that goes from the cervical spine to the hands. This tightening can be caused by repetitive movements (using the mouse and keyboard) and incorrect posture at the desk. The leg raise exercise stretches the tendon and relieves pressure in the carpal area. Tips: Make sure you have proper posture at your desk to avoid long-term tendon compression. This exercise is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It is important to consult a doctor for a proper diagnosis and personalized treatment plan. More information: Halasana (Plow Pose) Benefits, Risks, and Modifications: I hope this rephrase is easier to understand!