찬송가356장 주 예수 이름 소리 높여

찬송가356장 주 예수 이름 소리 높여

War of the Soul 1 War of the soul is in-vi-ta-tion: Shout forth Je-sus' name; His ho-ly glo-ry and sal-va-tion Far a-broad pro-claim! In the war-fare of the soul, O, my Lord, take full con-trol O, Cap-tain, lead! 'Tis Thee I need, O, Thou lov-er of man's soul! 2 A peo-ple 'neath sin's vast do-min-ion Save, Lord, make Thine own, Thy peo-ple, of Thy Glo-ry King-dom, Gath-er'd to Thy throne In the war-fare of the soul, O, my Lord, take full con-trol O, Cap-tain, lead! 'Tis Thee I need, O, Thou lov-er of man's soul! 3 For strength to my soul's foe's dis-pell-ing, Whom shall I en-treat? Al-read-y Christ hath con-quer'd, quell-ing Sa-tan 'neath His feet In the war-fare of the soul, O, my Lord, take full con-trol O, Cap-tain, lead! 'Tis Thee I need, O, Thou lov-er of man's soul! 4 Re-make me, Lord, hell's pains to sev-er, New strength give to me, That in that strength I might for-ev-er Live in vic-to-ry! In the war-fare of the soul, O, my Lord, take full con-trol O, Cap-tain, lead! 'Tis Thee I need, O, Thou lov-er of man's soul! A-men [출처] 한영 찬송가 351장부터360장까지 NWC악보 PPT악보 반주MR 소프라노 엘토 테너 베이스 찬송가전곡악보|작성자 성경과찬송뉴