Fifth Sunday of Easter, Year B: I Am The True Vine and My Father is The Vine Grower | John 15:1-8

Fifth Sunday of Easter, Year B: I Am The True Vine and My Father is The Vine Grower | John 15:1-8

April 28, 2024: Fifth Sunday of Easter, Year B Remain in me as I remain in you, says the Lord. Whoever remains in me will bear much fruit. I Am The True Vine and My Father is The Vine Grower Gospel | John 15:1-8 🙏 "Lord Jesus Christ, I may have many important connections in my life but my most important connection is You. I am completely reliant upon You in the same way a branch is reliant upon the vine. Truly, without You I can do nothing. I pray that You prune away all my pride and selfishness. Purify me of my many sins so that I can turn to You in all things. And as I learn to rely upon You, may I begin to bear an abundance of good fruit in my life. Grant me the grace to abide always in You. Amen." St. Peter Chanel, priest and martyr, pray for us.