The Candle of Bethlehem and the Light of the World ; FABC ; 12/26/21

The Candle of Bethlehem and the Light of the World ; FABC ; 12/26/21

"The Candle of Bethlehem and the Light of the World" ; FABC ; 12/26/2021 Good Morning! Welcome to our worship service at Fifth Avenue Baptist Church. Today is the Second Day of Christmas, 2021. The lighting of the Christ Candle, the last and centermost of the Advent Wreath, will take place in the service today! Later in the service, Pastor Don will bring us the message, "The Candle of Bethlehem and the Light of the World"" from John 8:12. The Old Testament Lesson will be from Psalm Isaiah 42:1-7. John the Elder's Witness will be from Revelation 21:21-25. We hope that you find this time together to be a meaningful experience of worship!