VINCENT (Starry Starry Night) ~ Don McLean ~ Baritone Ukulele Cover Lesson

VINCENT (Starry Starry Night) ~ Don McLean ~ Baritone Ukulele Cover Lesson

Best with headphones 10 chords used G (0003) Gsus4 (0013) A7 (2020) Asus2 (2200) Am (2210) C (2010) Cm (0543) D7 (0212) E7 (0100) Em (2000) The hammer on riff in the verses is as follows : D string picked open then hammer on at the 2nd fret G string picked open then hammer on at the 2nd fret The double stop riff at the end of the song, pluck the two strings together as shown below : D string 2 4 2 0 B string 1 3 1 0 Verses Hammer Riff / G Gsus4 / G / Am Asus2 / Am / C / D7 / G / Hammer Riff / G Gsus4 / G / Am Asus2 / Am / C / D7 / G / Choruses G / Am / D7 / G / Em / Am / D7 / Em (just one downstrum) / A7 / C D7 / G / Middle or End section G / C / D7 / G / Em / Am / Cm / G F / E7 / Asus2 / C / D7 G / Double stop riff