Natural skin tones - practical color grading in Final Cut Pro

Natural skin tones - practical color grading in Final Cut Pro

Want to show your on-screen talent in the best light? Learn how with Color Finale 2 Pro you can create the best-looking skin tones using its powerful color correction and analysis tools. Try for yourself: Purchase Color Finale 2 Pro, a color grading plugin for Final Cut Pro: Timecodes: 00:00 Introduction 00:40 What's a good skin tone? 01:20 Tools of the trade 01:43 Scopes 02:26 Image analysis tools 02:49 Select the plugin in the inspector to see on-screen controls 03:04 Examples 03:19 Setting the exposure and white balance - primary corrections 04:18 Six Vectors 05:10 Setting Up Skin Tones: HSL Curves 06:13 Camera Matrix 06:45 Subtractive grading 07:27 Masking: Advanced skin tone isolation 08:25 Artistic vs. Technical Accuracy: Pushing Skin Tones to the Limit 09:23 Final Thoughts #colorfinale #finalcutpro #plugin #colorcorrection #skintones #colorgrading