Weed Pro Regina | Regina’s Best Lawn Overseeding Service Provider!

Weed Pro Regina | Regina’s Best Lawn Overseeding Service Provider!

Is your lawn thin and patchy? Or after the snow melted away, is half your lawn is dead? Or do you have a dog that created yellow dead patches through out the backyard? Or finally, do you have a lot of quack grass (ugly prairie grass) in your lawn and you want to start over with a new grass variety. If this describes your lawn, then Weed Pro’s overseeding process can bring your lawn back to a thick lush green at a fraction of the price to laying sod. Weed Pro uses a slice seeding machine to implant grass seed directly into the soil. This process increases germination rates to as high as 80% compared to simply broadcasting seed over your lawn. Weed Pro uses premium grass seed varieties that we get custom-blended for us. As a professional lawn care company, we have the option to choose from over 160 varieties of grass seed and custom blend the seeds in the ratios we want. It’s like choosing apples from a grocery store; that variety is sweet, crunchy, tart, good for baking, making candy apples, etc. Weed Pro selects the grass variety characteristics we believe our customer wants: • Dark Green in colour, • resistant to disease, • quicker germination rate, • drought tolerance, • blade thickness etc. We stay away from the cheap, ugly, fast-growing, pale green varieties, such as ryegrass varieties. Rye grass is often one of the varieties blended into the majority of grass seed blends from garden centers. Our Process: 1. We communicate the importance of watering and ensure that a frequent watering schedule can be carried out for 8 to 10 weeks. 2. We Aerate your lawn. This helps loosen the soil and increases water penetration. 3. Weed Pro ensures that we make tight passes with our slice seeding machines to cover every square foot of your lawn. 4. Then we apply a generous amount of seed to the perimeter of the lawn where our machine can’t go. 5. After seeding, we apply 50Lbs per 1000 square feet of dried and pelletized alfalfa over the freshly seeded area. Alfalfa soaks up to 6 times its weight in water and helps create a moist environment for the new grass seed to germinate and establish itself. 6. Finally we leave you with watering instructions and when you can start mowing your lawn. Sprinkler heads that are greater than 10” away from the edge of your lawn need to be marked. This includes sprinkler heads that run along you’re a joining neighbour’s lawn (the invisible property line in the middle of your front lawn). Here are some things to consider before choosing to overseed your lawn. Due to the frequency of watering required after overseeding to keep the seed moist, we strongly encourage automatic watering. This can be achieved through an automatic underground sprinkler system, or an automatic timer connected to a semi-permanent above ground sprinkler system (for example, you can check out the 4 zone timer by Melnor on Amazon or Canadian Tire). The seeding process will not be effective if the grass seed does not stay moist for 8 to 10 weeks. To achieve a moist growing environment, we recommend watering 3 times per day for 7 to 10 minutes each zone (watering times will vary depending on temperature and your sprinkler system). For an average 2,000 square foot lawn in Regina, this equates to about $150/mo for your water bill. Weed Pro has seeded hundreds of lawns for the past 20 years and it is always rewarding to see the transformation of a lawn before and after overseeding. We have seeded thin lawns, bare dirt, we have intentionally killed whole ugly lawns and filled it in with desirable grass varieties. For many homeowners, overseeding is a great option and will produce the end result they desire. However, Overseeding lawns is not for everyone. If any of these descriptions apply to you, Overseeding your lawn is not a “best” option for you: 1. If you have a busy yard that is heavily played on with kids. 2. If you have an active dog that tears around your yard. 3. If you are not able to automatically water your lawn 3 times per day for approx. 7-10 minutes each area for 8 to 10 weeks. 4. You want a nice lawn ASAP. FYI: 10 weeks after overseeding, your lawn will look good from the street, but when you stand over your lawn, it will still look like a bunch of individual grass plants. When sod is harvested from a sod farm, that grass is 2 to 3 years old. It takes this long for the grass plants to weave themselves together and form a thick mature stand of grass. If you are considering overseeding your lawn, give Weed Pro a call. We would love to help you decide if overseeding is right for you. Weed Pro is a locally owned and operated company with over 20 years of experience. We are a Year-Round service provider, freeing up more of your time to spend with family. We look forward to serving you! www.weedproregina.com