#정육 #스킨포장 #스킨포장기 #정육스킨포장기계 #스킨진공포장기 #포장용품 #서울아이스#vacuum packaging machine #skin packaging machine
요즘 정육업계 고민? 한 번에 타파할 '스킨(Skin) 진공포장기' 요즘 정육시장에서 큰 인기를 끌고 있으며 저희 업체에서 판매 중인 스킨포장기를 시연 해봤습니다 많은 문의 바랍니다 Swallow machines offer various machines including (DC/SC)double chamber / single chamber vacuum packing machine, (VSP) vacuum skin packing machine, (CBC) continuous belt vacuum packing machine,(TVP)thermoforming vacuum packing machine,(MAP)modified atmosphere packing machine, etc We provide only the best quality in the market We are also attentive to after-sales needs and have many customer service staff more than able to attend to your needs Whatsapp:+8617616766535 Wechat:17616766535 Line:swallowvacuum Instagram:swallowvacuum Email: swallowmachine1@163 com