![Surah Ash-Shams [91] - 11 Times Repeated #minalquran #quran](https://krtube.net/image/zMpZGox6Pk4.webp)
Surah Ash-Shams [91] - 11 Times Repeated #minalquran #quran
#minalquran #islam #quran 🌙 Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh! 🌙 Welcome to Minal Quran, your spiritual space to explore the timeless wisdom of the Quran. Here, we share beautiful recitations, insightful tafsir, wazifa's and the deep meanings of each verse to help you connect with Allah's words in the most profound way. If you're passionate about learning and reflecting on the Quran, subscribe to Minal Quran and join our growing community. Together, let's embark on a journey of knowledge, faith, and tranquility. ✨ Subscribe today and stay connected to the light of the Quran. May Allah guide us all on the straight path. ✨ JazakAllah Khair for your support! 🌿 ‪@minalQuran‬ Surah Ash-Shams [91] - 11 Times Repeated Ash-Shams (الشمس, "The Sun") is the 91st surah of the Qur'an, with 15 ayat or verses. At the beginning of the chapter, God swears 11 times in seven verses, the highest number in any Surah of the Quran. God swears by the sun, the sun’s brightness, the moon that follows the sun, the day when it brightens the earth, the night when it covers the earth with darkness, the sky, Him Who established it, the earth, Him Who spread it, the soul, and Him Who made it perfect. It then tells the story of Thamud, an Arab tribe that was once rich and powerful but is now gone. The prophet Saleh told them to worship only God and to protect a special she-camel as a sign from God. But they ignored his message, killed the camel, and plotted to harm Saleh and his followers. As a result, God punished the wrongdoers and saved Saleh and the good people who followed him. Surah Shams consists of 15 verses (ayat) in total, so when reciting for pregnancy, it is recommended that you repeat each ayat several times as your du’a or supplication. This ensures that the mother-to-be and her unborn child fully absorb its blessings. When reciting these verses, it’s important to ensure that they are done with full concentration, focus on their meaning, and with an open heart, truly asking Allah (SWT) for His mercy and blessing. The surah consists of many powerful verses that focus on the greatness and power of Allah Almighty and His mercy towards His servants. Those who recite it will be rewarded with healthy offspring and are also promised protection from any spiritual harm or illness. Reciting Surah Shams for aulad should be done daily after each obligatory prayer – Fajr in the morning, Dhuhr at noon, Asr in the afternoon, Maghrib at sunset, Isha at night – or more often if possible. When reciting Surah Shams for your aulad (children), begin with making dua (supplication) to Allah, asking Him to bless your family and children with guidance, faithfulness, and obedience. Then recite sura shams by slowly reading aloud each verse while concentrating on its meaning. The meaning of sura shams can be found in different translations or tafsir books. May Allah bless us with healthy offspring of great value and pleasure to us in this world and the hereafter. Ameen. It is narrated that whoever reads surah Shams will be blessed with pious, obedient children, so let’s make it a part of our daily routine and reap its benefits. Ameen! 1. Surah Ash Shams 2. Ash Shams Tafsir 3. Surah Ash Shams full 4. Surah Ash Shams recitation 5. Quran Surah Ash Shams 6. Surah Ash Shams meaning 7. Surah Ash Shams explanation 8. Arabic Surah Ash Shams 9. Surah Ash Shams benefits 10. Quran recitation Ash Shams 11. Surah Ash Shams 91 12. Surah Ash Shams translation 13. Surah Ash Shams Arabic text 14. Ash Shams Quran wazifa 15. Surah Ash Shams story 16. Surah Ash Shams impact 17. Surah Ash Shams powerful message 18. Islamic Surah Ash Shams 19. Learn Surah Ash Shams 20. Surah Ash Shams beautiful recitation