6.30pm Choral evensong with The Marske Singers and friends 9th March, 2025

6.30pm Choral evensong with The Marske Singers and friends 9th March, 2025

A warm welcome to the parishes of Richmond with Hudswell and Downholme and Marske. Our churches are inclusive centres of community where: All are Welcome. If you are able, please support the invaluable work of St. Mary's Church by making a donation. You can easily donate here: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted... There are other ways to donate and these can be found on ourv website: https://www.richmondhudswellparish.or... Safeguarding Our Policy Statement on Safeguarding was adopted by Richmond with Hudswell Parochial Church Council meeting on 16th September 2020. Each person who works within this church agrees to abide by these recommendations and the guidelines established by the church. This church appoints Jan Jack as the Parish Safeguarding Officer. The application of this policy will be reviewed each year and a report provided by the Parish Safeguarding Officer to the PCC. You can read the Promoting Safer Church booklet and view our Church Safeguarding Policy on our website: https://www.richmondhudswellparish.or... Contacts: Our Rector is Revd. Martin Fletcher: 07762 440094 or 01748 821241 [email protected] Our Safeguarding Officer is Jan Jack: 07725 574188 [email protected] Our Church wardens are Wendy Pritchard: 07484108595 and Peter Trewby: 01748 824468 The Diocesan Safeguarding Officers are Jenny Leccardi, Narinder Lyon and Carla Darbyshire. They can be contacted by telephone: 0113 353 0257 or by email: [email protected] Local authority children and adult social services: 01609 780780