Lego WW2 - Battle of Brécourt (Remake) Award Winning Animated Short film
#legoww2 #LEGO #legowar #CallofDuty #Battlefield #BandofBrothers #MedalofHonour #ww2 #brothersinarms #brickfilm #history #WWII #warmovie (Please Note: this animation is for 13 years and up only. This film is non-political and was made for entertainment purposes.) Winner of the Minuscule Film Festival 2021; Latest episode in this 'Band of Bricks' series. After the drop into Normandy, Sgt Miller and his squad from the 82nd are sent to link up with units of the 101st Airborne who are about to assault a set of artillery guns by Brécourt manor. Miller and his men however are tasked with taking out a set of MG nests located in a farm house which overlooks the emplacements. Special thanks goes out to these amazing voice actors: SGT Miller - Andromeda Studios / @garvey64live64 PVT Lewis - Randy Onn / randy_onn LT Winters - cooperreedcustoms / cooperreedcustoms PVT Moore & PVT Baker - Jed Hugh Grant You can buy the items you seen in the film from the following sites; Roaglaans - Customs https://store.bricklink.com/roaglaan?... United Bricks - https://www.united-bricks.com/ Brickizimo - https://www.brickizimo-toys.com/en/ Brickarms - http://brickarms.com/index.php Brickowl - https://www.brickowl.com/ Software Used: Adobe Premier Pro Camera; Logitech C920 Music: Americana Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b...