A Hope to People That Are Suffering With PTSD | DR. Jordan Peterson
During the Q&A portion of Dr. Peterson's Beyond Order tour, a veteran asked him about dealing with PTSD. We hope his answers help those struggling with PTSD. --------------------- Watch select stops of the Beyond Order Tour: https://utm.io/ueSFn // SUPPORT JORDAN // Newsletter: https://linktr.ee/DrJordanBPeterson Donations: https://jordanbpeterson.com/donate // COURSES // Discovering Personality: https://jordanbpeterson.com/personality Self Authoring Suite: https://selfauthoring.com Understand Myself (personality test): https://understandmyself.com ------------------- Episode resources: / 647492.ordinary_men https://inverarity.livejournal.com/39... ------------------ Copyright info: *Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, this provision enables 'fair use,' allowing for the utilization of copyrighted material for purposes including criticism, commentary, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use represents a legal exception within copyright law that prevents potential infringement. Furthermore, non-profit, educational, or personal use further solidifies the justification for fair use. 1. This video has a neutral or potentially even positive effect on the original works. 2. This video serves educational purposes as well. 3. Utilized excerpts from videos as needed to convey the message. Vast Catalyst does not hold proprietary rights to these video clips. Instead, they have been judiciously repurposed under the umbrella of fair use, driven by the noble purpose of enlightening and motivating audiences. However, if any content owners would like their content removed, please contact us by email at [email protected]. All the video footages used is licensed under CC-BY 3.0 or licensed from Canva. Video edited and licensed by Vast Catalyst. Music: ‘Life in Silico' by Scott Buckley - released under CC-BY 4.0. www.scottbuckley.com.au. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License