Tinnitus Relief Myth Busters – “Stop Tinnitus in 30 Seconds”
➡️ Watch my Free Tinnitus Masterclass here 👉 https://stilltinnitus.com/still-tinni... There are thousands of videos on YouTube that claim to get tinnitus relief or even stop your tinnitus. In this video I give my expert advice on these videos to help you cut through the noise. What you should watch next 🎥 • How I Stopped the Ringing in My Ears ... If you got value from this video, consider subscribing by clicking here 🔔 / @stilltinnitus Hi, I'm Roel, BioMedical Engineer and founder of Still Tinnitus 👋 I reduced my tinnitus from a 9 to a 1 out of 10. I no longer suffer from the ringing in my ear, even when I do hear it on a bad day. Do you also want to improve your sleep, reduce stress and forget about the sound in your head? Then watch my Free Tinnitus Relief Masterclass here 👉 https://stilltinnitus.com/still-tinni... I look forward to helping you!