Hb Electrophoresis by Ram sir Hematology l Pathology l Bsc MLT l DMLT l BRT l DRT
Ram Pachauri , Msc MLT, Bsc MLT JLN Medical college Ajmer. Educator Allied health sciences. Tutor, Jagannath University Sitapura jaipur (Department of Anatomy and Physiology Allied health care sciences). Ex tutor Nimt Paramedical and Nursing College Agra road Jaipur .Ex. Medical Lab Technologist Gangori Hospital (department of Molecular Biology TB RT PCR. This video is useful for DMLT 2nd yr. and bsc MLT students in their semester exam and University of RUHS and RPMC and other state competition exam 1. Pap Stain stain- • PAP stain-2 by Ram sir (Cytopathology... 2. H & E stain Part 1- • Hematoxylin and Eosin Staining- 4 Par... 3. H & E Stain part 2- • Hematoxylin and Eosin Staining- 4 Par... 4. lipid Stain/ Sudan Black - • Staining of Lipid ( Oil Red O/ Sudan ... 5. Periodic acid schiff stain- • PAS Stain ll Periodic Acid stain- 6 l... 6. Van gieson Stain- • Van Gieson stain-10 by Ram sir l Spec... 7. Masson Trichome Stain- • Masson Trichome stain-1 by Ram sir (S... 8. Pearl's Prussian Blue Stain- • Perls' Prussian Blue Stain for Iron- ... 9. Shorr's Stain- • Shorr's stain-8 by Ram sir Cytology S...