Building Amazing Purple Luxury Castle with Rainbow Slide from Cardboard ❤️ DIY Miniature House

Building Amazing Purple Luxury Castle with Rainbow Slide from Cardboard ❤️ DIY Miniature House

Building Amazing Purple Luxury Castle with Rainbow Slide from Cardboard ❤️ DIY Miniature House ❤️ Welcome to Cardboard World ❤️ I'm Alice (A lover of little things) ❤️ Hello My Dear Friends ❤️ In this video I will build purple luxury castle from cardboard for my pets. The house has queen bedroom and bid rainbow slide ! Hope you will like my house and have relaxing time! Love you babe ❤️ Let's go build our house together! ❤️❤️❤️ If you like my video, don't forget to watch other video in my channel ❤️ Love you babe ! _________________________________________________________________________________ 0:00 | Cute Cardboard World intro 0:32 | Building Amazing Purple Luxury Castle with Rainbow Slide from Cardboard ❤️ 10:07 | Let's relax with my cardboard house and my pets ________________________________________________________________________________ Title : ( English ) Building Amazing Purple Luxury Castle with Rainbow Slide from Cardboard ❤️ DIY Miniature House # 753 ( Español ) Construyendo un increíble castillo de lujo morado con un tobogán de arcoíris de cartón ❤️ Casa en miniatura DIY # 753 ( Português ) Construindo um incrível castelo de luxo roxo com arco-íris feito de papelão ❤️ DIY Miniature House # 753 ( 한국어 ) 골판지 ❤️ DIY 미니어처 하우스 # 753의 레인보우 슬라이드로 놀라운 퍼플 럭셔리 캐슬 만들기 ( 日本人 ) 段ボールからレインボースライドで素晴らしい紫色の豪華なお城を作る❤️ DIYミニチュアハウス # 753 ( Hindi ) कार्डबोर्ड से रेनबो स्लाइड के साथ अद्भुत पर्पल लक्ज़री कैसल का निर्माण ❤️ DIY मिनिएचर हाउस # 753 ________________________________________________________________________________ Dear all my friends, We love a TINY things, MINIATURE HOUSE and MINI items. And We wanna share our PASSION with all people in the world ! "Over 1.9 billion people log into YouTube every month" so i created this channel and build some cute things from cardboard and daily supplies, Recycling them and make some things good from discarded items also cardboard. I wanna share my stories, wanna creating something cute for the world and give you guys relax time with my videos. I also wanna teach you make something cute, bring good things to the world, bring great videos to you ! We specializes in creating small houses and pretty small objects with easy-to-implement materials. Our Chanel Not Suitable for children 13 years and younger. Would you like to join with us on this exciting journey - the journey called Cardboard World? If you have any IDEAS please COMMENT babe, i will build it for you with all my love ❤️ Thank you and please subscribe my channel. ____________________________________________________________________________ Wanna see more cute things and colorful room decor, visit my playlist : ____________________________________________________________________________ Love Cardboard House, Creative Packed Good from Cardboard, Let's watch this video : +Creative Idea Build Cutest Unicorn Dream House using Cardboard, Paper for pet ❤️ DIY Miniature House # 750    • Creative Idea Build Cutest Unicorn Dr...   Building Hello Kitty Castle House with Pink Bedroom, Kitchen from Cardboard ❤️ DIY Miniature House # 751    • Building Hello Kitty Castle House wit...   __________________________________________________________________________ Follow me on Facebook :   / tiny-world-227935348563437   Follow me on Twitter :   / cardboardworld1   Subcribe me on Youtube : __________________________________________________________________________ DIY Miniature Cardboard House From Cardboard World Official Channel. Copyright Cardboard World © 2022. All rights reserved #cardboardworld #cardboardhouse #miniature #miniaturehouse #diyminiaturecardboardhouse #roomdecor #minihouse #diyminiatures