Ho Ngoc Yen Phuong on oil in Vietnam | PV Drilling | World Finance Videos

Ho Ngoc Yen Phuong on oil in Vietnam | PV Drilling | World Finance Videos

World Finance interviews Ho Ngoc Yen Pyuong, Vice President and CFO of Petrovietnam Drilling and Well Services Corporation, on the future for oil in Vietnam as the Nghi Son and Vung Ro refineries near completion. Over the past few decades, Vietnam has emerged as an important oil and natural gas producer in South East Asia. Ho Ngoc Yen Phyuong, Vice President and CFO of Petrovietnam Drilling and Well Services Corporation, talks about Petrovietnam's plans to invest $1.5bn per year in exploration and production activities, and how Vietnam's new refineries will allow the country to become an exporter of oil products, instead of crude oil. For a full transcript visit: http://www.worldfinance.com/videos/ho... For more World Finance interviews go to http://www.worldfinance.com/videos/