Sunday Catholic Mass Today 22nd November, 2020 - Holy Spirit Catholic Church, North Ryde, Australia

Sunday Catholic Mass Today 22nd November, 2020 - Holy Spirit Catholic Church, North Ryde, Australia

Join us for Mass on this the Solemnity of Christ the King, where in the Gospel, Jesus describes to his disciples the scene of the judgment of the Son of Man. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Watch our streaming to listen today’s gospel reflection, follow the link to watch from our website ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ How can you make your contribution to the parish? The following link: will take you to our website where on the right you will see a button to donate. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Also please SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel and all social media platforms below and Activate the Notification Bell to receive automatic alerts on your electronic devices from the parish before mass goes live online. Thank you! YouTube Channel:    / holyspiritn.  . Facebook Channel:   / holyspiritno.  . twitter:   / klukstan   or @KlukStan Website: Email: [email protected] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Permission to live-stream music obtained from CCLI#167485/One License#A-622606E