किस विटामिन की कमी से होता है डिप्रेशन #vitaminb12 #vitaminsupplement #vitamin #अवसाद #depression

किस विटामिन की कमी से होता है डिप्रेशन #vitaminb12 #vitaminsupplement #vitamin #अवसाद #depression

Did you know that a deficiency in Vitamin B12 can lead to depression? Yes it’s true! Mental health issues are complex but vitamins and minerals play a crucial role in our emotional well-being. So what are the symptoms of depression? You might experience persistent sadness fatigue irritability or even a loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed. Physical symptoms can also occur like changes in appetite or sleep disturbances. If you’re feeling this way it’s essential to seek help. Treatment for depression can include therapy lifestyle changes and sometimes medication. But don’t overlook the importance of nutrition! Vitamin B12 is vital for brain health and mood regulation. A deficiency can lead not only to depression but also anxiety and increased stress levels. If you're feeling off consider checking your vitamin levels. Supplements like vitamin tablets can help bridge the gap if your diet lacks this essential nutrient. Foods rich in B12 include milk dairy nuts and fortified cereals. If you're vegan or vegetarian it’s especially important to monitor your intake. Remember mental health is just as important as physical health. Don’t hesitate to reach out for counseling or professional support if you’re struggling. You are not alone in this journey! Prioritize your mental wellness by nourishing your body with the right vitamins and minerals. Take care of yourself your mental health matters! #drsandeepsiwan #depressiontreatment #depressionsymptoms #अवसाद_के_लक्षण_क्या_होते_हैं #मानसिक_स्वास्थ्य #vitamins #डिप्रेशन_से_बाहर_कैसे_निकाले #Deficiencyofwhichvitamincausesdepression? #symptomsofdepression #Whatarethesymptomsofdepression? #depressiontreatment #vitamin_b12_ki_Kami_se_kya_hota_hai_? #किस_विटामिन_की_कमी_से_होता_है_डिप्रेशन #अवसाद_के_लक्षण #अवसाद_के_लक्षण_क्या_होते_हैं #mentalhealthissue #vitamins #minerals #vitaminb12 #depressionsymptoms #vitaminstablets #anxiety #stress #counselling #डॉ_संदीप_सीवान #Depression #अवसाद_से_बाहर_कैसे_आए #डिप्रेशनका_इलाज_कहां_होता_है #अवसादग्रस्त_जीवन_कैसा_होता_है #VitaminB12 #Physicalsymptoms #Treatmentfordepression