How We're Doing at 6 Weeks Postpartum!   (Baby #2 - SMBC Journey)

How We're Doing at 6 Weeks Postpartum! (Baby #2 - SMBC Journey)

👇 Leave your nickname suggestions in the comments below! 👇 🐣 Hi BabyDreamers! In this video, 51-year-old 'single mother by choice' TJ shares how she and her wee baby boy are doing now that almost six weeks have passed since giving birth. [Filmed on 12 July when the little man was almost 6 weeks old] 💟 To meet other women on the older mother path and to get support on YOUR journey, join TJ's private community here: ⭐️ To get tips and strategies to make your SMBC journey easier, get TJ's Solo Mom Support Series at 📕 To find out the Top 10 Advantages of having a baby by yourself as a 'Single Mother By Choice', get TJ's FREE EBOOK here: 💖 To never miss TJ's inspiring videos, SUBSCRIBE here: 🙏 To help other women, share this video in your fertility groups on Facebook, with this link:    • How We're Doing at 6 Weeks Postpartum...   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ⭐️ SOLO MAMA SUPPORT SERIES ⭐️ TJ has created some powerful Audio Sets answering the biggest questions that women have when they are considering becoming a Single Mother By Choice. It will help you SO MUCH on your journey! ➡️ Get it at ⭐️ PRIVATE COMMUNITY ⭐️ TJ has also set up a private community where you can meet other women who are also on an unusual path to motherhood. It is a beautiful, safe, welcoming space (off Facebook) where you can ask questions, share your journey and be supported by other women in the same situation as you. ➡️ Join our beautiful community here: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ➡️ Recommended Playlist: Being an Older Mother    • Being An Older Mama (Over 40 Years Old)   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TO BRANDS AND SPONSORS: If you would like to help me support single women and older women in bringing their baby dream to life, please get in touch with me at [email protected]. My vision is to raise money to help other women's baby dreams come true, just as my baby dream has come true. 🙏💗 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TahJoWoo73AstTiJasWoo21 #AdvancedMaternalAge #ivfover45 #smbc #choicemom #singlemombychoice #singlemotherbychoice #ivf #ivfjourney