I Always Wait For THIS Before Entering Trades (Candle Closures)

I Always Wait For THIS Before Entering Trades (Candle Closures)

Watch my 34 min. free course to make $10k/month trading here:    • Smartest Route To $10,000 Per Month W...   Trade With Me: https://whop.com/muushtrading/ Join The Free Discord: https://whop.com/muush My Free Guide: https://ebook.adrielcash.com/ In today's video, I will be going over this simple and easy candlestick closure strategy that has generated me so much money... Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro 0:17 - Basics of Candlesticks 2:03 - Market Trends 5:47 - Backtesting 8:22 - Bonus (VERY IMPORTANT) #daytrading #candlestick #finance ignore tags Day Trading, Day Trading Live, Day Trading Stocks, Day Trading Forex, Day Trading Futures, Learn To Trade, Day Trading Technical Analysis, Day Trading Stock Charts, Day Trading Pull Backs, Day Trading For Beginners, Day Trading Strategies, day trading options, day trading cryptocurrency, day trading 101, day trading for beginners, day trading Forex, day trading strategies, day trading academy, day trading shorting, day trading, easiest scalping strategy, how to start forex trading, how to trade forex, how to trade markets, how to start day trading, easy day trading strategy, trading for beginners, easy beginner trading strategy, Adriel Cash Trading Strategy, Forex, Day Trading Day Trading For Beginners, Candlestick Strategy, Day Trading 101