Sunday Service at SSOV, January 5, 2025, Second Sunday of Christmas
January 5, 2025, Second Sunday of Christmas “There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify to the light, so that all might believe through him.” John 1:6-7 Welcome to St. Stephen’s of the Valley (SSOV) Live Stream. We’re so glad you are here. Our purpose is to glorify God by welcoming people in His love, encouraging commitment to Jesus and equipping, in the Spirit, to grow and to serve in the world. We gather together weekly to worship and praise the Lord. You are also invited to join us in activities as posted. Lutherans believe that Christ comes into our hearts and into our live through the sacrament of Holy Communion. If you feel that you will be nourished spiritually by participating please join us in receiving the sacrament or if you prefer just to receive a blessing. We have Busy Bags available for children during Worship. Copyright 2024 License numbers: Augsburg Fortress SB #105029 One License #A-724495 CCLI #1608357 #Jesus, #Christian, #Religion, #Worship, #Lutheran