MT AIRY COGIC LIVE Sunday October 23, 2022 10:45AM Worship Service
MT AIRY COGIC LIVE Sunday October 23, 2022 10:45AM Worship Service To Learn more visit: https://bit.ly/mtacogic Give an offering https://www.mtairycogic.com/giving Bishop Felton serves the Mt. Airy Church of God in Christ, founded by the Bishop Ernest C. Morris, Sr., the presiding prelate of the Koinonia PA Jurisdiction. Mt. Airy is located at 6401 Ogontz Avenue in Philadelphia, PA., 19126. Bishop Felton serves the community as the Philadelphia NAACP First Vice-President and chair of the Religious Affairs Committee; and Second Vice President of the Black Clergy of Philadelphia and Vicinity Mount Airy Church of God in Christ was founded as a tiny storefront mission with a congregation of 16 Sunday School children in May 1966. From this beginning, God has blessed the vision and Mount Airy Church of God in Christ has grown to a landmark church numbering more than 3,000 persons, with a uniquely far reaching ministry. The roster of working auxiliaries and ministries number more than 80 providing in-house and community social services. In addition, Mt. Airy owned and operated Bethesda Manor, a full service shelter for more than 190 homeless men and ex-offenders, providing medical treatment, drug rehabilitation, and vocational training. At present, Mount Airy manages the Stenton Family Manor, a full service family shelter which houses and provides counseling and skills training for more than 250 abused and displaced women and children. Give an offering https://www.mtairycogic.com/giving Share this video Share this Channel / @mountairychurchofgodinchrist Website https://bit.ly/mtacogic Facebook / mtairychurchofgodinchrist Twitter https://twitter.com/theservantldr?lan...