Can You Blow CO2 Into Your Aquarium?
Humans breathe out CO2. So... Is it possible to use the CO2 that we breathe out for a planted aquarium? I go through a series of tests to find out if it really is possible to do so. This is the SECOND iteration of the experiment, where I made some major improvements to my methodology. Part 1 ►► • FREE Aquarium CO2 Using Our Own Breat... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Purchase Items Used In This Video~ (Amazon Affiliate Links): ► https://kit.co/TropiscapeAquatics/aqu... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Research Papers I Used~: Breath Exhalation Composition: ► https://www.researchgate.net/publicat... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Social Links~: ► / tropiscape_aquatics ► / tropiscape_aquatics ► / tropiscapeaqua #aquariums #co2 #plantedtank