pov: You Stay the Night inside the Deku Tree in Ocarina of Time and it's Raining Outside (+ Music)

pov: You Stay the Night inside the Deku Tree in Ocarina of Time and it's Raining Outside (+ Music)

Relaxing Legend of Zelda 64 pc port ost Ambience Music sounds to Sleep & Relax Study to. 2 hours of Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time ゼルダの伝説 時のオカリナ lofi zeldawave 3d oot Nostalgia Ambiance night remix music chill asmr cozy relaxing soundtrack rain sounds fall asleep and sleep to sound effects on nintendo switch online, nintendo 64 N64 and 3ds hack mod randomizer nostalgic HD remake. Scene Selection Timestamps: 0:00 Deku Tree Basement 1 20:00 Pit to Basement 2 40:00 Basement 1 Water Angle 1:01:01 Torch and Compass Room 1:14:22 Deku Tree Entrance 1:25:44 Water Puzzle 1:37:52 Torches and Deku Baba 1:53:11 Basement 2 2:07:58 Deku Scrub Brothers 2:23:06 Defeated Deku Scrub Room 2:34:01 Deku Tree First Floor #Zelda #nintendo #nintendoswitch #ocarinaoftime #ゼルダの伝説 時のオカリナ