TOP 15 BEST METROIDVANIA Games on Nintendo Switch

TOP 15 BEST METROIDVANIA Games on Nintendo Switch

we’ve rounded up the Top 15 Metroidvania Games on Nintendo Switch that will keep you hooked for hours. Whether you’re exploring hauntingly beautiful worlds in Hollow Knight, battling your way through Metroid Dread, or reliving the magic of Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap, there’s something here for everyone. #NintendoSwitch #Metroidvania #Top15Games #HollowKnight #MetroidDread #gaming GAMELIST: 00:00 - Intro 00:42 - Animal Well 01:26 - Iconoclasts 02:12 - Guacamelee! 2 02:56 - Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom 03:41 - Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap 04:28 - Ender Lilies: Quietus of the Knights 05:16 - Record of Lodoss War: Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth 06:10 - SteamWorld Dig 2 07:02 - Axiom Verge 07:58 - Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night 08:53 - Blasphemous 2 09:50 - Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown 10:47 - Ori and the Will of the Wisps 11:45 - Metroid Dread 12:41 - Hollow Knight 13:42 - Outro