Resident Evil 4 Remake, Professional playthrough, pt 9 (END)

Resident Evil 4 Remake, Professional playthrough, pt 9 (END)

this game is fun asf, go play it final boss section was actually quite difficult, learning how to dodge the patterns, maximize damage windows, and target weak points effectively. i almost want to go back and play the other remake games, but i'm not 100% on that yet. might also go and speedrun this game, but i'm not completely sure how much i'd like a speedrun of this game. not sure if the mechanics lend well to fast gameplay. 0:00 warming back up 10:48 mike the goat attempt #2 25:15 two levers section attempt #2.5 29:45 mike the goat attempt #3 42:51 two levers section attempt #3.5 + save 51:36 MIKE NOOOOOOO 53:10 shooting some medallions, getting some treasure 1:00:19 mini stealth section 1:06:02 final combat gauntlet 1:20:04 saving ashley, autoscroller 1:34:57 cashing in my excess treasure 1:40:35 final boss attempt #1 1:48:22 final boss attempt #2 1:55:32 final boss attempt #3 2:02:54 final boss attempt #4 2:09:16 poggers rocket launcher 2:11:44 escape sequence attempt #1 2:14:20 escape sequence attempt #2 2:26:38 i got a B...